My skin

I was born in 1967. I’ve been slathering my face and neck twice daily with Glow Juice since 2017. My theory is it keeps my skin slinky so wrinkles can’t form as quickly. I wouldn’t want to be without it! Luckily I know how to make it. Now you can have it too. You just spray it liberally in the palm of your hand and smooth it on wherever you want to feel juicy, and glow. It’s got healing, conditioning, soothing properties for every type of skin.

My skin looks good for its age.

Glow Juice

The penetrating aloe and clever rosewater deliver skin-healing oils to your cells. Friends who use it say: “My skin has never been happier!!!” And: “My rosacea has gone away since I’ve been using it.” And: “How did you know how to make this?”